There is a Path to Healing, to Feeling Comfortable in your Skin; Walk with Me, I know the way…
Back yourself! Healing starts when You invest in your relationship with your Self and You’re worth it.
When we’re experiencing pain and suffering - physically and emotionally, our natural human instinct is to run away from it, avoid it, for fear of the unknown. Yet fear of what we don’t know harbours hesitance, resistance and dis-ease? “I’d rather not try, i don’t know what might happen? I’d rather stay here, comfortable in my discomfort.” When we seperate our Self from our Self to hide from change, inevitably we’ll come face to face with the problem at some point.
Ask yourself, seriously, how will things play out if you don’t make those changes?
Healing your physical body, especially your skin, starts with bringing your Self wholly together; embracing change in the areas of food, medicine and lifestyle, tailored specifically to you.
I Coach & Mentor, specialising in these areas of Health. It is my job to guide you, the sufferer; or the Carer of the sufferer, to guide, hold your hand for a bit, help you on the pathway to much better skin health and your overall health & wellbeing - for the long term. Tie your shoelaces, stand tall and take my hand, we’ll do this together - explore the Self, dive 'beneath the Eczema (and other skin issues), exploring gut health, Ayurveda food practices, food as Medicine; we dive in and unpack the “issues in the tissues” life’s experiences that get stuck in the body; re-packing practicle, achievable and sustainable food and lifestyle changes so you can enjoy eating and living again. I’d love to listen, to really hear your story…
Your relationship with Food is Medicinal and awaits you…
For Decades now, collectively we have lost our relationship with Food. With the introduction of corporate agriculure, herbicides, pesticides, GMO, depleted soils, cold storage and highly processed, packaged foods, so many of us no longer understand our food from farm to plate; what it is to eat wholly, seasonally and how to easily and efficiently prepare and cook fresh food to nourish the body and spirit.
Food is nourishment, nurturing, comforting and social. Most of all food is Lifeforce. Not everyone knows how to eat nutritionally for their constitution or in Ayurvedic terms - their Dosha. Knowing your Dosha, is an important step in understanding which foods will support and nourish you as well as support your skin health, your gut, your life force for the long term. Hippocrates aka known The Father of modern medicine, understood this 2000+ years ago.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy Food
~ Hippocrates
This is idea or study is also saidin the origines of Ayurveda - The Ancient Science of Life, from India - at least 6 thousand years old, still relative and useful; now, more than ever, navigating our modern society. Ayurveda has understood for eons that gut health and fresh whole foods, herbs & spices, oils and fats, excercise and meditation, nourish and heal the human body and the human experience.
When diet is incorrect, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct, medicine is of no need.
~ Ayurveda Philosophy
Food as medicine healed me; Ayerveda maintains me; Yoga, meditation & Nature support my health and happiness.
Ayurveda weaves it’s way through your Coaching and Mentoring experience with Me, to help you understand that how, even when you have food allergies, gut issues, skin problems - you can use food as your medicine to heal and thrive as you too go forward into your health and happiness.

“Thank you so much Trish, It’s so nice being able to talk with someone who understands in the way you do… it gives me hope, makes me feel normal in a way… my eczema has made me feel so isolated. I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me, You have been so helpful & restored my faith in myself that there is something I CAN do to help myself. Thank you, I appreciate it more than I can ever express.”
Eve T
Happy Clients
Trish I am just about out of your wonder cream. That wretched radiation burnt my skin incredibly and even though the broken skin has healed, I have been left with eczema like symptoms i.e. that incessant itch and I know if I keep scratching, it will break the skin again. The only relief I get is from your cream. It is a gem.”
Anne L

Try a free 30min session and see if it’s right for you.
No pressure or obligation, just someone who gets it.