Your Journey to Better Skin Health is uniquely Yours
Focusing on You
Where are you at right now?
How can I help you?
You feeling sick ‘n tired of feeling this way? exhausted from the 24/7 itch and pain, you just want to feel good in your skin. Your doctors have you on what seems like a treadmill of toxic and physically damaging medications, knowing that you can’t do this long term without devastating consequences.
Perhaps you’ve been told you need to stop eating certain things, to starting including supplemenmts etc and all that this advice has done is to make you feel overwhelmed, completely alone and with no idea where to start. So many questions yeah!? And all you can think about is the all consuming condition you live with every day.
So what are your other options? What are all the natural and alternative therapies? How effective are they? how expensive is this going to be? where would I possibly start?
Stop here a moment - take a slow, deep Inhale; pause … slowly e-x-h-a-l-e, you’re going to be ok, you’re stonger than you know.
A Coach/Mentor will help you create your vision, set intentions and goals; turn them into bite size pieces that are achievable on a daily basis; help you navigate your inner landscape, your emotional self, stress & anxiety that contribute to dis-ease. That’s my job as your Eczema, Food Allergy & Health Coach & Mentor.
You’ve got to do the work, that’s your job; no one else can do it for you - and that’s the hard truth. Your work starts from the inside out. This could look like working on your gut health, making changes to your eating plan - bite by bite; taking an emotional deep dive into the ‘issues in the tissues’. How?
Me! Coach & Mentor, helping you Invite BIG change into your lifestyle that is not overwhelming, rather gets creative with a step-by-step Pathway that we’ll create together - for You.
This is all about You, on your terms; You taking control of your Health. You’ve got to commit to the processing & implementing of your goals and strategies. It’s my job to hold your hand when necessary, guide you, course correct and support you moving forward.
Your journey down the path of natural and alternative therapies, will have it’s moments of angst, frustration, pain, fear and anxiety. The Natural approach is Holistic, meaning that it encompasses the whole you - Your physcial, mental, emotional self. There is no magic pill, there is no straight line forward; your path to good skin health is going to bend & curve; there will be hills, sometimes mountains, there will be valleys, potholes and trip hazards; that’s the honest truth about reinventing your skin health.
I’m here to support you doing the work, to help you explore your inner landscape, to support your healing.
You’ve got this and I’ve got your back.
“ True healing is not the fixing of the broken, but the rediscovery of the unbroken”
~ Jeff Foster